Get Involved
Help to protect and restore these Great Southern landscapes
You too can be part of the exceptional ecological restoration and protection work taking place across the Gondwana Link and south-western Australia.
If you wish to help Gondwana Link inspire, mobilise and support even more good work we can connect you with opportunities to meet locals, get involved, and give back.

Donate to the Gondwana Link program
Gondwana Link began in 2002 and has grown a lot since then, with many great people and groups joining in the effort. But the reality is that ongoing donations are needed to maintain and grow the current work.
At the core of Gondwana Link is a tiny team operating over a vast area on very low overheads – so every dollar gets well used.
Donate to a local group
Most places featured on Heartland Journeys are cared for by on-ground environmental or landcare groups working hard to restore and protect the bush.
These groups rely on ongoing donations to maintain and grow the current work. Support their work by donating directly to them.

Join a group
Join and support some of the many environmental and landcare groups working across the Great Southern.
If you want to get involved in on-ground volunteer ecological restoration work, getting involved through local groups is the best option.

Become a citizen scientist
Join in one of the many survey efforts underway to deepen our knowledge of what’s needed and what changes are working best. Twin Creeks, Balijup Fauna Sanctuary and Chingarrup all have fantastic regular survey programs that are adding to the understanding of this landscape and the impacts of ecological restoration work.
The Conservation Council of WA’s citizen science teams are at the cutting edge in understanding restoration and landscape change.
iNaturalist is a fantastic online resource where you can log your sightings wherever you go. You don’t need to know the scientific names, other experts will help you identify them.
Other Citizen Science projects you can get involved in
Red Map is for recording unusual marine species
Offset your carbon emissions
There are a range of options for offsetting the carbon emissions associated with your travels through the Great Southern region. Each of these organisations invest in revegetation work in the region:
Carbon Positive Australia
Greening Australia

Restore land that you own
If you already own land, consider what you can do to restore it. Contact your local landcare group who can put you in touch with the right people to assist you.
There is now world-leading ecological restoration work being done in the Great Southern and you can access this knowledge.
Invest in a conservation property
Consider investing in a conservation property – either individually or with a group of friends.
Gondwana Link has helped people find their dream properties, and then connect them with those who can help them restore, manage and enjoy those properties.

Don’t be a quiet Australian
Make sure your local councillors and MPs know of the support we all need to continue and expand this important ecological restoration work.
Write letters, chew ears, recruit your friends and neighbours, make your voice heard. Good government policy is integral to expanding our current program.
Help spread the word
Share your experience with your family and friends and help to spread the word.
Like, Follow and Share on Facebook – the Gondwana Link Facebook page is a great place to start to find out what is happening in ecological restoration in the region.
Many individual groups in the region also have active Facebook pages. See individual site listings for links.