Connect with Local Groups
Connect with local groups
You too can be part of the exceptional ecological restoration and protection work taking place across the Gondwana Link and south-western Australia.
Each of the groups listed below are playing an active role in restoring and protecting the remarkable ecological systems of our global biodiversity hotspot.
Green Skills
Green Skills has been working since 1989 on “promoting and demonstrating sustainability in action through creation of employment opportunities and the provision of training, research and on-the-ground projects”.
In Gondwana Link, Green Skills is working to create linkages between the Forest and the Stirling Range, has developed the Balijup Fauna Sanctuary, restoring wetlands through the Living Lakes of Gondwana project and encouraging art and environment connections through a range of projects.
Gillamii Centre
The Gillamii Centre, based in Cranbrook, works across the Frankland and Upper Pallinup catchments. It aims to improve understanding and adoption of sustainable land use through training, education and knowledge, encouraging and leading the efficient use of resources across the community while protecting and enhancing the natural environment.
Gillamii have worked with another locally-based group, Green Skills, to lead the planning and implementation of activities in the Forests to Stirling zone of Gondwana Link.