Toilets Available
Disabled Access
Picnic Areas
Mobile Reception (Telstra)
No Pets Allowed
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The Stars Descend | Northcliffe to Porongurup
Mt Frankland National Park offers four short walks to suit people of all fitness levels.
1. Mt Frankland Wilderness Lookout – 600 m return, universal access on a metal boardwalk that hugs the mossy granite hill. The viewing platform soars above the landscape, offering a 360-degree panorama across the Walpole Wilderness, including vast karri, tingle and jarrah forests and heathland and distant granite peaks.
2. Towerman’s Hut – 200m return. Sealed path, suits all levels of ability. Shady picnic area with tables and gas barbeques. The old hut was used as a base for the ‘towermen’ who climbed to the summit several times a day to watch for fires and log weather conditions.
3. The Summit – 1.2 km return. Good fitness and experience required. This short, steep walk includes climbing a ladder and over 300 steep steps. The summit of Mt Frankland/Caldyanup is an immense granite monadnock – erosional remnant – towering over the forests and the Frankland River winding below. On a clear day you can see eastwards to the Porongurup and Stirling Ranges and southwards to the Southern Ocean. On the flat summit (fenced for safety) there is a modernised watchtower still used to record conditions today.
4. Caldyanup Trail – 1.6 km return. Good fitness and experience required. Granite sections may be slippery. This trail immerses you in one of the best karri and granite areas in the South West as it loops around the base of the granite dome, also taking in the Soho Lookout. You can take this trail on your descent from the summit as an alternative route to the Towerman’s Hut.
Practical Information
LOCATION: Walpole is 450 km south of Perth (5 hours).
Mt Frankland NP is 28 kms from Walpole, 30 mins on sealed and unsealed roads. Follow North Walpole Road for 21 kms, turn right into Mount Frankland Road and follow for 7 km.
Can also be accessed from South West Hwy via Beardmore Road (unsealed). Turn left at North Walpole Road, travel 500 m, then turn right into Mount Frankland Road.
FACILITIES: Information shelter, picnic tables, toilets, gas bbq. Mount Frankland Wilderness Lookout is universally accessible with a viewing platform.
RESPONSIBLE TOURISM: Take care, granite rocks can be slippery when wet. Pets are not permitted. Fires and camping are not permitted.
WHEN TO GO: Year round. Spring and summer are best bird-watching seasons.
WHERE TO EAT AND STAY: Walpole-Nornalup Visitors Centre
FURTHER INFORMATION: Mt Frankland fact sheet