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The Stars Descend | Northcliffe to Porongurup
The Tree Top Walk is the biggest tourist attraction in the area, with its stunning walkway suspended over the spectacular canopy of ancient karri and tingle. So close you may actually touch their leaves, the canopy perspective gives you an even greater appreciation of the enormous size and grandeur of these giants of nature.
Built in 1996, the elegant stainless-steel construction consists of a series of pylons supporting a see-through metal-grid walkway and circular viewing platforms. The pylons rise to a height of 40 m above the forest floor and the walkway may have a slight swaying motion, either exciting or daunting depending on your constitution. Note, because of the popularity of the Tree Top Walk, you may prefer to visit in non-peak holiday times.
Adjacent to the Tree Top Walk is the Ancient Empire Walk, a 500 m loop through beautiful forest including some huge, cave-like hollowed-out red tingle trees. This trail is free of charge and starts from near the gift shop.
Banner image: Carol Duncan Photography
Practical Information
LOCATION: The Tree Top Walk is 18km on sealed roads from Walpole and 52km from Denmark via South Coast Highway and Valley of the Giants Road
TIME: Open daily, 9 am to 5 pm. Last ticket sales at 4.15 pm
Wheelchair and pram accessible.
ADMISSION COST: Adult (16 years and over) $21.00; Concession $15.50; Child (6 – 15 years) $10.50; Child 5 years and under Free; Family $52.50 (2 adults, 2 children). Entry to the Ancient Empire and Discovery Centre is free.