Friends of Porongurup Range
Leading Environmental Group, Porongurup
“We like the idea that we are a little spot right here, but we actually fit into a bigger picture within the Ranges Link area and then within the Gondwana Link area as well. Because the things that we’re doing, we’re not just doing for ourselves here on Twin Creeks. We’re part of a much larger operation that’s happening. I think we’re pretty proud of that.” (Lucia Quearry, Chair)

Twin Creeks Reserve: Community driven conservation
Meet some of the members of Friends of Porongurup Range, an incredibly passionate and dedicated community group who own and manage Twin Creeks Conservation Reserve.

Ranges Link: Bringing country back to life
This uplifting story of landholder-led conservation and restoration comes from the farming country between the Porongurup and Stirling Ranges. Farmer and native seed pioneer Peter Luscombe has teamed up with his neighbours the Friends of the Porongurup Range, working from their Twin Creeks Reserve, to build a major habitat link between the ranges.