Heather Adams
Farmer and Chair, Oyster Harbour Catchment Group
“You fence a bit here and you plant a few trees there and you think well how on earth is this going to make a difference in the longer term? But the thing is, over time, it all adds up and when everybody’s doing it suddenly you can’t go anywhere without seeing amazing work that’s been done over a long period of time that is making a fantastic difference.”

Heather Adams: Leadership in Landcare
Heather Adams is the Chair of the Oyster Harbour Catchment Group and a long-term leader in the landcare movement.

Ranges Link: Caring for the Kalgan Valley
Meet some of the key people behind the Ranges Link initiative in the Kalgan Valley, a productive farming area between the Porongurup and Stirling Ranges.

Heather’s incredible life on the riverbank
Heather Adams has been a constant presence in the Landcare activities in the Upper Kalgan and Ranges Link for three decades.

Restoring Oyster Harbour
A Gondwana Link film about an important estuary near Albany which has been restored to health by communities working together in the catchment and under water.