Travel Tips
Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace Australia ‘builds awareness, appreciation and respect for our natural and cultural heritage’. Principles to guide responsible outdoor travel and recreation include:
Plan Ahead and Prepare
Including letting people know where you are travelling and walking. Be prepared for all kinds of weather conditions.
Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
Trampling on soil and moss can cause damage and erosion. Stay on tracks whenever possible, and if not, walk only on the most durable surfaces.
Dispose of Waste Properly
Take away everything you bring in, including toilet paper!
Leave What you Find
Leave rocks, shells, plants where you find them. It is an offence to pick wildflowers from reserves in Western Australia.
Alerts and Warnings
Find up to date information about fires, floods, storms, traffic crashes and more from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES)
000 for Emergency Services
Call triple zero (000) for emergency services and check out the WA Police website for more safety info
Stop Dieback
Phytophthora dieback is an introduced plant pathogen. It’s a major cause of biodiversity loss in Western Australia and has now spread throughout much of the south-west from Eneabba to Esperance.
If you plan to go off-road, into more remote areas, please follow the Dieback Hygiene Guidelines:
- MUD STICKS, DON’T SPREAD IT! Avoid travelling and walking through the bush when it’s wet and muddy
- Stay on designated roads and tracks
- Use commercial car wash facilities where possible to avoid spreading infected dirt.
Before walking into bushland areas:
- Use a brush to remove dry mud and soil from footwear – use a dieback cleaning station if available
- Spray 70% methylated spirits on footwear and equipment after brushing.

Practical Information
- Find Public Toilets at the National Toilet Map
- Find the closest Petrol Station at WA Fuel Finder