
Heartland Journeys

Explore the places | stories | nature
across the Gondwana Link

Kaya! Welcome!

Gondwana Link invites you on a journey through some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on earth: from tall forests, slender-stemmed mallee and wildflower-rich heath to the world’s largest temperate woodland.

Heartland Journeys can help connect you to part of the world’s oldest continuous culture and deepen your understanding and experience of these living landscapes.

Explore their intricacies and richness: tiny honey possums as pollinators; malleefowl that incubate their eggs in nesting mounds of compost; an incredible variety of plants; and inspiring community successes in restoring ecological health.

Feature story – January 2025

Averil Dean in photo with her Noongar brothers, sisters and cousins heading to school in Tambellup. All standing in front of school bus.

Ambitious new plan taking shape at Wilyun Pools Farm

Here’s a hopeful story to start 2025! Landcare champion Sylvia Leighton leads the narrative about a bold new direction for the family’s farm at Wellstead, east of Albany. ‘The deal’ featured a capital investor, a Noongar group, a carbon organisation and an ecological program, along with Sylvia and partner Peter McKenzie. Meet the team and find out how the the multi-layered arrangements were achieved: Ambitious new plan taking shape at Wilyun Pools Farm | Heartland Journeys

Image: Nic Duncan.



Headshot of Ezzard Flowers, Goreng Elder
Headshot of Sylvia Leighton amongst paperbarks
Headshot of Pierre Horwitz

Connect with the people and stories across the Gondwana Link:

Delve into stories about this land’s ancient origins, its immense biological richness, and the First Nations peoples, community groups, individuals and scientists who care for it. Watch, listen to and read these stories.

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Delve into the deep time history and natural wonders across the Gondwana Link