The Stars Descend

The Stars Descend

Five towns, Five teams of artists, Five chapters, One story …

Wooditchup (Margaret River)


Borongur (Porongurup)

Fitzgerald Biosphere (Ravensthorpe)

Karlkurla / Garlgula (Kalgoorlie)

Illustrations by Michelle Frantom

About The Stars Descend

The Stars Descend created a vast trail of contemporary dance performances, aimed at transforming how people see and care for our country. Inspired by eco-restoration efforts across the Gondwana Link, it showcased the importance of climate action and restoring health to the land, as well as conveying hope to audiences. The Stars Descend story unfolded over five regional locations from 17 March – 1 April, 2023.

Each location is a chapter in the story co-created by some of Western Australia’s most vibrant artists working with local community members.

Performances took place in spectacular outdoor settings to celebrate the rich biodiversity and ongoing restoration along the Gondwana Link’s 1000 kilometre ecological pathway.

Stars are a powerful symbol of hope, agency, and action, representing ideas of deep time and the interconnectedness of people and the natural world.

Annette Carmichael projects, July 2022.   Image: Nic Duncan

Gondwana Link’s Amanda Keesing and Keith Bradby with Annette Carmichael, celebrating the start of The Stars Descend project in 2021. Image: Lauren McKenzie

Gondwana Link’s role…

Through Heartland Journeys and other efforts, Gondwana Link was delighted to partner with Annette Carmichael Projects to help reveal the extraordinary world of the Gondwana Link to audiences.  

By travelling with us through the 1000+ km of Heartland Journeys, audience members experienced forests, mallee and heathlands, and the world’s largest temperate woodland.

There’s intricacy and richness in these landscapes: tiny honey possums that pollinate flowers, malleefowl that make compost in nesting mounds, marsupials working as soil engineers, and mycorrhizal fungi with vast underground networks of mycelium that feed minerals and nutrients to plants (and get sugar in return!).


Click on the photos to see the gallery …

The Stars Descend project was supported by:
  And supported locally by:
The Stars Descend project is supported by:
And supported locally by:

To donate to Gondwana Link’s work of connecting people and nature
through eco-restoration and conservation,
please click here

Don’t forget to check out our stories of the wonderful people and nature across the Gondwana Link

To donate to Gondwana Link’s
work of connecting people and
nature through eco-restoration
and conservation,
click here

Don’t forget to check out
our stories of the wonderful
people and nature across the
Gondwana Link