Ezzard Flowers: Reconnection and collaboration

Ezzard Flowers is a Goreng-Menang-Wadjuri Elder. Born in Gnowangerup, his life story includes living with his extended family on country as a young boy and then being removed from family and placed in Marribank mission in the Shire of Kojonup.
Following this experience, he faced the challenge of reconnecting to family and country and seeking his identity and purpose as a Noongar man. In this audio story, Ezzard also speaks about Noongar culture and spirituality, and the importance of working together to protect Mother Boodja – the environment.

Gondwana Link extends a special thank you to Ezzard for this story. Thanks also to Frank Rijavec and Marg Robertson for the original interview recording. Our audio editing and production team: Nicole Hodgson, Teresa Ashton Graham, Marg Robertson, Kim Lofts and Keith Bradby.