Ezzard Flowers
Goreng Noongar Elder, Gnowangerup
Uncle Ezzard is a widely respected Noongar Elder with connection to Goreng, Menang and Wadjuri country. At age eight he became part of the Stolen Generation when he was taken from family and placed in Marribank mission. At age 18 he began the challenge of reconnecting with family and country.
From age 35, education became a vital pathway for Ezzard. He has a Diploma in Aboriginal Mental Health and, in February 2023, he’ll graduate with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Community Development and Management).
He has worked extensively in education, community health and community development and has been Chair of the Mungart Boodja Art Gallery in Katanning. In 2007, he received a WA Multicultural Community Service award for preserving Noongar cultural heritage. He is a 2015 joint recipient of the John Curtin Medal for his role in repatriating Carrolup artworks to Australia.
Ezzard is both a member of the Cultural Elders Reference Group for Wirlomin Noongar Language and Stories Inc, and an Ambassador to the Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation. He is also busy developing a tourism venture ‘Walkabout Consultancy’ and serving as chair of ‘Gorenang Moortabiin’, a regional community development Aboriginal Corporation which he co-founded.

Ezzard Flowers: Power drawn from his reconnection with country
Ezzard’s life began with family, culture and being on country, but he became a member of the Stolen Generation when he was taken from family at age eight and placed in missions for six years. Reconnecting with his family and country and the importance of working together for Mother Boodja are moving and powerful threads in Ezzard's story.

Ezzard Flowers: Reconnection and collaboration
As a child, Ezzard was taken from family and placed in a mission. Years later he faced the challenge of reconnecting to family and country, and charting his life. Now he’s a Noongar Elder with a powerful story about working together for Mother boodja - country.