This is just a spot to note as you drive past the gate to this property. The former farm, was purchased and replanted for ‘Carbon sequestration, biodiversity and habitat restoration’ before being resold on to a private owner, who continues to manage the property for conservation.
Story of the place
Justin Jonson is a Restoration Ecologist who has worked extensively on revegetation projects in the Fitz-Stirling area.
Ecological restoration
The property is in a very strategic position for the broader restoration efforts in the Fitz-Stirling as it adjoins Nowanup and strengthens the link between Corackerup Nature Reserve and the Corackerup Creek Reserve.
Justin Jonson
Threshold Environmental
“Proof of concept has definitely been achieved. Anybody who comes to this landscape who visits any of the ecological restoration projects that we’ve been involved in – they’re always impressed.
And we have made a step in scale. So, you know, 250 hectare projects, that’s no longer considered large scale. That’s an achievable scale where we can do pretty much pretty high detailed restoration at that scale. The next step now is to roll this out to step up another scale, and that is actually the critical scale that’s needed globally in fact.
Because in order to really make an impact at a global level, different projects around the world are going to need to start stepping up to the 1000 ha scales. And that might be sort of a blended style of restoration that doesn’t only focus on for ecological restoration, it might have some modified farming systems with woody vegetation that can be used for grazing.”
See & Do
Scenic drive north
The road through this section travels through a significant section of unbroken bush, and it is these large remnants that the Gondwana Link program is connecting back together again so that the wildlife and plants can flourish.

As you drive along this section of road, it will become clear just how much habitat is left in this landscape, and how much restoration and revegetation is being undertaken by a range of organisations and landholders, as part of the Gondwana Link program.
Giving back and getting involved
Gondwana Link plays a key coordination role in the ecological restoration work in the Fitz-Stirling area.
There are many other sites to visit nearby including:

Norman's Road
The pullover area adjoins the now privately-owned conservation property that was initially restored by Carbon Neutral. The Corackerup Nature Reserve is over the road.

Corackerup Creek Crossing
Like nearby Chingarrup Creek, Corackerup Creek is also deeply incised into the surrounding landscape, and is part of a substantial sub-catchment of the Pallinup River.

Nowanup is a special place. A centrepiece of ecological restoration in the Gondwana Link, it is also a centre for the Noongar community for healing country and healing people.

Chingarrup Sanctuary
Just to the north of Chingarrup Creek is Chingarrup Sanctuary the very first property purchased for ecological restoration as part of the Gondwana Link program, back in 2002.

Chingarrup Creek Crossing
All the brooks and creeks in this area are tributaries of the Pallinup River, the largest river system on the South Coast.

Boxwood Hill - Ongerup Road
This first stretch of road will take you into the heart of one of Australia’s most important ecological restoration areas.

Boxwood Hill crossroad
The intersection on South Coast Highway that leads to the Fitz-Stirling area.
Practical Information
This is a remote area and there are limited facilities available. There is a roadhouse at the Boxwood Hill intersection.
See Visitor Information from the Shire of Jerramungup for accommodation, eating and camping options in Jerramungup and Bremer Bay.