Citizen Science

Katrina Syme: Delving into the fascinating world of fungi

The world is waking up to the vital role of fungi in maintaining healthy ecosystems. They enrich our lives too, with their extraordinary shapes and colours. Here's fungi aficionado and expert, Katrina Syme, wooing us to be fungi lovers with her infectious excitement and knowledge about these remarkable organisms.

Balijup farm: family, people and nature working together

Alan Hordacre and Basil Schur tell the heart-warming story of Balijup farm, near Tenterden. Balijup shows how conservation, farming and forestry can co-exist, boosted since 2012 by the enthusiastic collaboration between conservation group Green Skills and the Hoardacre siblings - Alan, Richard and Anne - who own the farm.

Sayah Drummond: a refreshing perspective on making a difference

"I am a 'people person', so working with the community and working with passionate people is just really energising ... I’ve learned that a lot of environmental recovery is done by volunteers because they care, they make the effort to learn, and they truly make a difference to their little patch."

The Western Ground Parrot and me: A story about Brenda Newbey and Western Australia’s rarest bird

The extraordinary efforts of Brenda Newbey and others to identify, locate and protect Western Australia's rarest bird are conveyed in this rich and important environmental history. Work to save the ground parrot continues.

Habitat plantings bring the birds

From bare paddocks back to bush full of wildlife. In this story, animal ecologist Dr Nic Dunlop explains the rationale behind undertaking high quality ecological restoration.

Nic Dunlop: The power of citizen science

Meet Dr Nic Dunlop, Coordinator of the Citizen Science Program at the Conservation Council of Western Australia. For decades, Nic has used his scientific knowledge to assist and run citizen science projects, mostly involving birds.

Eddy and Donna Wajon: Chingarrup Sanctuary

Meet Eddy and Donna Wajon from Chingarrup Sanctuary, the first private property purchased for conservation in the Gondwana Link.

Balijup Farm and Fauna Sanctuary

Listen to current co-owner Alan Hordacre and others describe the important work taking place at Balijup Farm, including the fully fenced Fauna Sanctuary.

Woodland of multi-coloured wandoo trees with thick undergrowth

Gen Harvey: Wingedyne Reserve

Listen to Gen Harvey, Landcare Officer at Wagin-Woodanilling Landcare Zone describe what makes Wingedyne Reserve so special.

Wayne Zadow: A passion for birds

Wayne Zadow has been an avid birdwatcher for decades, especially around Kojonup where he farms. He has an extraordinary knowledge of bird species, their behaviour and habitat preferences. Wayne is very concerned about the impact of spring burning on nesting birds.

Thick shrubs and bushes with yellow flowering banksia in foreground

Yarraweyah Falls Restoration Project

Yarraweyah Falls is a 100 hectare ecological restoration project that is filling a gap for Gondwana Link, in the highly biodiverse Fitz-Stirling area.

Chris Lewis: An enduring passion for Kojonup’s wildflowers

An interview with Chris Lewis, from the Kojonup Regional Herbarium, on her remarkable 45-year commitment to the plant life of Kojonup.

'Eucalyptus Pingrup Pink' Image: Hazel Dempster

Eileen Croxford: Finding ‘Pingrup Pink’

Eileen Croxford was collector of the extremely rare Eucalypt 'Pingrup Pink' - in fact in between first finding it and then going back to the same spot the area had been entirely cleared.