
Yarning about fire

This story offers so much! It is a heart-warming yet serious yarn that shines more light on a way forward with fire. Here's Uncle Aden: "Kaarl (fire) was always part of our life ... We had a good life in camps and the kaarl made sure we were alright. We had all the comforts thanks to the fire." Join Uncle Aden Eades, Aunty Eliza Woods and PhD student Ursula Rodrigues as they sit and yarn about fire.

Averil and her brother Jack Williams on country at Anderson Lake sharing their cultural knowledge

Aunty Averil Dean: Rich rewards from family, culture and country

Averil is immensely proud of her Noongar culture, and teaching school children about it has been an important part of her life. Growing up in a strong, loving family, Averil’s home life was happy. But during this time, she knows that older family members were experiencing major oppression, and she remembers the painful school yard taunt of ‘nigger’.

Ezzard Flowers: Power drawn from his reconnection with country

Ezzard’s life began with family, culture and being on country, but he became a member of the Stolen Generation when he was taken from family at age eight and placed in missions for six years. Reconnecting with his family and country and the importance of working together for Mother Boodja are moving and powerful threads in Ezzard's story.

Ezzard Flowers: Reconnection and collaboration

As a child, Ezzard was taken from family and placed in a mission. Years later he faced the challenge of reconnecting to family and country, and charting his life. Now he’s a Noongar Elder with a powerful story about working together for Mother boodja - country.